Thank-you for purchasing Hocus Focus.
This application allows you to ultilize the Pomodoro Technique to work in 25 minute blocks to maximize focus and productivity. Every time a 25 minute block is completed, it is logged to a Project. The default project is called No Project, but you can create you own projects in the Projects tab. Each Block can have a set of Tasks and/or custom Notes.
The basic Pomodoro work pattern is as follows:
25 minute work Block
5 minute Short break
25 minute work Block
5 minute Short break
25 minute work Block
5 minute Short break
25 minute work Block
20 minute Long break
Hocus Focus allows you to customize the default durations of Block, Short Breaks, and Long Breaks in the Settings tab.
To setup a new block, click the Edit button.

This brings you to the Edit Block page. From here you can change the Project for the block, add Notes, or assign/add Tasks. Once you are done editing the block, press the Block button to return to the timer.

Now press the Start button to begin the countdown timer for the block. When the timer reaches 0:00, the block will be saved in History.